
How To Get The Best Out Of Your Exam Revision


Study Links Exam Guide 

We have put together some revision guidance and top tips to support you in preparation for your exams. 


Revision Guidelines 

Manageable Chunks 

The most effective way to approach your revision is to divide your subject work up into different units or Topics – this will continue your ability to organise your work and will allow you to approach your revision in small, manageable chunks. 

Revision Techniques  

The main focus should be active revision. Reading the textbook will not produce good results on its own. 

  • Practise: past papers, plans, problem solving. Write out potential exam questions and then answer them 
  • Practise questions in timed conditions  
  • Recall what you have read. Prioritise topics you find difficult 
  • Build up a subject glossary e.g. vocabulary & definitions 
  • Avoid long spells of just reading – this is not the most effective way to learn and remember information. 
  • Follow a schedule:  Experts say at least 7 hrs of revision a day is needed to prepare effectively for exams.  Many students run into difficulty by revising for too long in one revision session.  The best way to learn anything is in short concentrated bursts, To get the most out of your days revising, break them down into 1.5 to 2 hrs revision per topic with 30 minute breaks in between sessions.  Follow your timetable and don’t be tempted to cram, instead use your breaks to take a walk or get some exercise giving your brain time to process the information it’s just taken in. 


Revision Ideas: 

Mind Maps 

Make mind-maps or association maps rather than only taking notes. Mapping your notes out in a pattern of links from a central point will make best use of your memory. If you use colour and images on the maps, you’ll be harnessing the power of all areas of your brain – creative and logical. 






Flash Cards 

Write questions on one side and answers on the other. This helps long term memory as it is based on rehearsal 

Then work through the flashcards, putting the correctly answered ones in one pile, and the ones you  don’t know in another pile. The crucial part is that the unknown ones should then be reviewed again, and ideally repeat until all contents have been recalled from memory at least once. 






Top Tips 


  • Have a single place to work that you associate with revision, removed from distractions to help adopt the right mindset. 
  • Use any available time to revise – this could be on a long journey 
  • Use a timetable, it’s a good idea to create a revision timetable to help you make the most of your time and to ensure you’ve scheduled time for rest and play as well as for homework and revision.  
  • Organise pieces of work (essays, exam practice papers) into smaller, less daunting tasks. 









Remember to Take care of yourself. 

Studying for exams can be stressful so it’s important you look after your mind and your body. Read our Exam mental health blog here 



  • Neglect any of your topics, especially those you find relatively easy or particularly difficult. 
  • Don’t allow yourself to be distracted. Stick to your timetable. 

Here are some websites that may be helpful to you: 

Revision tips and study help | The Student Room 

Home – BBC Bitesize 

Tips for successful revision – OCR 

Revision: Timetables and planning – BBC Bitesize 


Please note you should follow any specific revision advice that your school has given and offered. This may include revision classes in person / drop-in sessions / certain topics to focus on.


A and AS level results day will be held on 18th August 2022. 

GCSE results day will be held on 25th August 2022. 

Good luck! Study Links wishes our students all the best with their exams this summer.  A period of hard work now will support your chances of celebrating when you receive your results in August!